MTA/NJ Offers Scholarship for Technical Training

The Marine Trades Association of New Jersey (MTA/NJ) announced the availability of two MTA/NJ Technical Training Scholarships. MTA/NJ created this scholarship to expand its support of members with their training and certification needs. The foundation was awarded funding from the Marine Retailers Association of America’s Educational Foundation last year to generate this scholarship. As a result, two members of MTA/NJ, selected by the MTA/NJ scholarship committee, will be awarded full scholarships to attend the American Boat and Yacht Council’s (ABYC) Marine Corrosion Certification Course.

Applicants for the full scholarship for the ABYC course must be current members of MTA/NJ, who have not participated or sent an employee to one of the ABYC courses in the last three years. Applications must be completed by the employee that would be attending the course and include current work experience, years of employment and why the applicants would like or need to attend the course.

Click Here for the Scholarship Application. Email completed applications to or print and fax to 732-292-1041. The deadline to apply is January 15, 2020.

The next Corrosion Certification class will be held March 17 to 20 at Ocean County Technical Vocational School in Toms River, New Jersey. The class is designed and intended for those with a minimum of 3 to 5 years of practical experience in the marine field. It is recommended that participants complete the ABYC Electrical Certification course and have an understanding of basic concepts such as electrical grounding, electrical current flow, galvanic isolation and basic marine electrical terminology, prior to taking this course.

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The cost for the course is $985 for ABYC members and $1,270 for non-members. MTA/NJ members who complete training will be reimbursed $175 from the MTA/NJ Foundation for Boating Safety & Education.

Click Here for More Information.