NMMA Outlines Boating Industry Priorities For WRDA Reauthorization
Published on May 8, 2020The National Marine Manufacturers Associationi (NMMA) sent a letter to key members of Congress outlining the recreational boating industry’s priorities in the biannual reauthorization of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA). Improving and increasing recreation infrastructure is a key component of the industry’s advocacy agenda and WRDA reauthorization represents a critical opportunity to develop comprehensive water infrastructure policies that provide recreational access and support local economies reliant on our nation’s waterways.
Among the priorities listed in the letter are tackling the maintenance backlog of our public lands and waters, restoring the Everglades, and combating aquatic invasive species. The full letter is available here.
“As our industry faces unprecedented economic and access challenges resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, we cannot stress enough the importance of healthy, accessible, and navigable waterways to revitalizing America’s recreational boating economy, and the small businesses and local communities it supports,” NMMA said. “On behalf of our members, we appreciate the opportunity to provide initial comments on the committee’s draft WRDA bill.”
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