Renovations Wrapping Up at Shipwright Harbor Marina
Published on September 26, 2020With this year’s opening of a private saltwater pool and enclosed outdoor showers, Shipwright Harbor Marina in Deale, Maryland, is completing the upgrades that it began in February 2018 after new owners took over the facility.
Other upgrades have included the renovation of the bathrooms, the addition of outdoor movie screens, landscaping and new lighting, and a renovation of the parking lot. The marina has also upgraded its Wi-Fi, which has been especially welcomed by the Northern Virginia and Washington D.C. customers who have been working from the marina during the pandemic, according to Jenn Collins, who handles the marina’s marketing and sales.
One unique touch is the Chesapeake Bay-themed metal sculpture created by an artist who is one of the marina’s slip holders.
Although most of the renovations are complete, Collins said that the marina will be doing an upgrade of its pole lighting later this year.
“Our owners really believe in reinvesting in the properties,” she said. “It keeps our boaters happy.”
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